Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Textbook of Histology, 4th Edition

Leslie P. Gartner
Tiếng Anh

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Thoroughly updated to reflect all of the latest concepts and advances in the field, this concise, extensively illustrated text presents the basic science and clinical application of cellular and molecular biology. Functioning as a combined text and atlas, it is essentially two books for the price of one providing a comprehensive, visually engaging histology education from the ground up. Illustrations, tables, PowerPoint™ presentations, chapter summaries and multiple choice questions facilitate comprehension of concepts, and clinical correlations underscore the practical relevance of the material.

  • Superb illustrations―including photomicrographs, electron micrographs, schematic diagrams and drawings―provide a visual grasp and easier retention of difficult concepts.
  • Online PowerPoint™ slides, prepared by the author, offer a convenient way to review the most essential information from the text.
  • Clinical correlations throughout the text demonstrate clinical applications and reinforce the idea that histology is pertinent not only to pathology and physiology, but in fact comprises one of the essential bases of clinical practice.
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