Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

150 ECG Cases, 5E

Hampton DM MA DPhil FRCP FFPM FESC, John,Adlam BA BM BCh DPhil FRCP FESC, David,Hampton MD MA BM BCh FRCP, Joanna
Tiếng Anh

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150 ECG�Cases presents clinical problems in the shape of simple case histories together with the relevant ECG. Detailed answers concentrate on the clinical interpretation of the results and give advice on what to do. The book can be used as a standalone method of practising ECG interpretation, and even with the most difficult ECGs a beginner will be able to make an accurate description of the trace and will be guided towards the key aspects of the interpretation.

  • The unique page size allows presentation of 12-lead ECGs across a single page for clarity.
  • Several of the cases incorporate chest X-rays and coronary angiograms illustrating the appearances that are associated with various cardiac conditions.
  • All the cases are graded in difficulty and are cross-referenced to the new editions of ECG Made Easy and ECG Made Practical for further information.

This Fifth Edition has been re-ordered into two parts:


    • Part 1 Everyday ECGs: The 75 ECGs in this section are examples of those commonly seen in clinical practice. There are several examples of the most important abnormalities, together with examples of common variations of normality.


  • Part 2 More Challenging ECGs: The 75 ECGs in this section are more demanding and include ECG patterns seen less often in clinical practice.

For this Fifth Edition over fifteen per cent new ECGs have been included, mainly to provide clearer examples, though the book deliberately retains some technically poor records to maintain a ‘real-world’ perspective

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