Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Atlas of Common Pain Syndromes, 4e, 2018

Steven D. Waldman
Tiếng Anh

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The first step in the effective management of patients in pain is making the correct diagnosis . . . and how todiagnose pain is what Waldman’s Atlas of Common Pain Syndromes, 4th Edition is all about.

Written to help practitioners care for their patients in pain, this top-selling text provides complete, concise, step-by-step visual guidance to help simplify the diagnosis and management of over 130 common pain syndromes. The user friendly, easy to reference head-to-toe format gives the practitioner a concise description of each pain syndrome along with full-color art, drawings, clinical photographs, and a full range of radiological and ultrasound images that will help simplify making the correct diagnosis.

    • Covers more than 130 common pain conditions with the concise information you need to make the correct diagnosis, making it a useful everyday reference in clinical practice.
    • Using a consistent, easy to follow visual format, each chapter covers one common pain syndrome beginning with the correct ICD-10 code and containing a clear description of the signs and symptoms of each painful condition as well as the tests, differential diagnosis, clinical pearls, and the most up-to-date treatment options.


  • Includes a “Side Effects and Complications” sections in every chapter that help you avoid potential pitfalls in diagnosis and treatment.
    • Features thoroughly updated chapters throughout, keeping you up to date when treating the painful conditions you’re most likely to encounter.
    • Includes 13 new chapters that give you the knowledge you need to diagnosis and treat these new common pain syndromes.
    • Contains dozens of new clearly labeled illustrations, tablesand radiologic and ultrasound images that enhance this visually focused reference, helping you make the diagnosis.


  • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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