Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Atlas of Gastrointestinal Surgery Volume One

John L. Cameron, Corinne Sandone
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Mục Lục

The first edition of this superb, two-volume atlas on surgery of the biliary tract, pancreas and liver was published nearly 20 years ago. Dr. Cameron has revisited and updated this classic work to include laparoscopic techniques and to demonstrate the current status of gastrointestinal surgical procedures. Written for the experienced surgeon, this two-volume work is beautifully illustrated with anatomical watercolor paintings by co-author Corinne Sandone that elevate the work to a level not seen in other atlases. The goal of this volume is to present the alimentary tract procedures performed and in some instances initiated at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in such a fashion that other alimentary tract surgeons can learn these techniques and perform them successfully.
KEY FEATURES Includes operative procedures on the gall bladder and biliary tract, liver (including shunts), pancreas, spleen, and the esophagus. Both open and laparoscopic approaches are described for many of the procedures. The artwork provides clarity that a camera cannot capture, yet maintains the realism of the perioperative field. Illustrations depict views that cannot be photographed: conceptual images, cut-away views, and distillations of visual information not easily observed in the operating room.

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