Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Atlas of Image-Guided Spinal Procedures, 2e, 2018

Michael Bruce Furman MD
Tiếng Anh

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The second edition of Atlas of Image-Guided Spinal Procedures features a highly visual atlas format to illustrate exactly how to perform each technique. This medical reference walks you through each procedure, step-by-step, to safely and efficiently relieve patients’ pain. This book presents an algorithmic, image-guided approach for each technique; trajectory view (demonstrates fluoroscopic “setup”); multiplanar confirmation views (AP, lateral, oblique); and “safety view” (what should be avoided during injection), along with optimal and suboptimal contrast patterns. Each fluoroscopic and ultrasound chapter also has the same “voice” so it is easy to follow.


  • Safely and efficiently relieve your patients’ pain with consistent, easy-to-follow chapters that guide you through each technique.
  •  Presents an algorithmic, image-guided approach for each technique: trajectory view (demonstrates fluoroscopic “setup”); multiplanarconfirmation views (AP, lateral, oblique); and “safety view” (what should be avoided during injection), along with optimal and suboptimal contrast patterns.
  • Special chapters on Needle Techniques, Procedural Safety, Fluoroscopic and Ultrasound Imaging Pearls, Radiation Safety, and L5-S1 Disc Access provide additional visual instruction.
  • View drawings of radiopaque landmarks and key radiolucent anatomy that cannot be viewed fluoroscopically.
  • Videos including procedural “set-up” and optimal and suboptimal constrast flow are available in the Expert Consult eBook version.
  • Includes new unique and diagrams demonstrating cervical, thoracic and lumbar radiofrequency probe placement and treatment zones on multiplanar views, as well as new unique tables and examplesdifferentiating between optimal and suboptimal epidural contrast flow
  • Features new coverage of ultrasound techniques, as well as new presentation of procedures for “spine masqueraders” such as the hip and shoulder.
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to access and search all of the text, figures, images, videos, and references from the book on a variety of devices
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