Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

BRS Gross Anatomy (Board Review Series), 8th edition

Kyung Won Chung
Tiếng Anh

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Succeed in your anatomy course and the USMLE Step 1 exam with BRS Gross Anatomy, 8e. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, this powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of human anatomy through concise descriptions, clinical correlations, radiographs, full-color illustrations, and tables. Over 550 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, chapter-ending exams, and an end-of-book comprehensive exam help you master key information.

  • New high-yield reviews at the end of each chapter provide targeted preparation for USMLE Step 1 and anatomy course examinations.
  • An updated full-color art program helps you understand difficult concepts and complicated anatomical structures.
  • More than 550 USMLE-style questions, answers, and rationales are available both electronically and in print to facilitate gross anatomy review.
  • New radiographs, MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound scans, and angiograms help you develop a better understanding of anatomy and clinical medicine.
  • Clinical correlations demonstrate connections between anatomical knowledge and clinical medicine.
  • A 100-question comprehensive exam at the end of the book provides a great prep tool for the actual exam.
  • A new chapter on cranial nerves provides information covered on USMLE Step 1 and anatomy course examinations.
  • An interactive online question bank makes it easy for you to create personalized practice tests to gauge your understanding.


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