Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Clinical Haematology, Second Edition: Illustrated Clinical Cases, 2018

Atul Bhanu Mehta, Keith Gomez
Tiếng Anh

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This fully illustrated text is an essential guide for trainees in Haematology and Medicine studying for higher examinations, as well as for professionals wishing to expand their knowledge or revalidate.

The book contains over 100 illustrated cases covering the whole field of malignant and non-malignant haematology, including coagulation problems and infectious diseases. Each case contains a set of questions written by two Royal College examiners, with answers on the reverse page. Readers can make differential diagnoses and devise treatment plans and prognoses, before turning the page to read the experts’ detailed answers.

The cases are presented in random order – just as they would be in real life – and are of varying lengths and degrees of difficulty, accompanied by hundreds of colour photomicrographs, photographs, and x-rays.

This new edition is revised and updated, with new cases, images, and tables.

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