Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Clinical Neurology 9th Edition

Michael J. Aminoff
Tiếng Anh

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For more than two decades, Clinical Neurology has helped students, residents, and clinicians understand the link between basic neuroscience and current approaches in diagnosis and treatment. Distinguished by its practice-oriented approach to neurology based on the patients’ presenting symptoms, this full-color resource delivers the clearest and most efficient introduction to the field available today.

Every chapter of this edition has been updated, and in many cases nearly completely rewritten to maintain the emphasis on the practical aspects of neurology while discussing the scientific underpinnings. The Ninth Edition is also enhanced by:

  • Important new content on the neurological examination and neuroanatomy
  • An increased number of full-color illustrations
  • Chapter outlines that provide a quick overview of each topic
  • Treatment protocols that reflect the most recent advances in the field
  • An emphasis on the neurological examination and history taking as the cornerstone of diagnosis
  • References that focus on practice-changing innovations
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