Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Color Atlas of Physiology, 7th Edition

Stefan Silbernagl
Tiếng Anh

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The seventh edition of this classic atlas makes mastering large amounts of complex information much easier. It provides a thorough review of everything medical students need to know to pass their pre-clinical physiology exams. Section topics include the nerves and muscles, blood, respiration, the cardiovascular system, digestion, and reproduction. This revised and expanded edition also features entirely new material on ageing, obesity, the urinary bladder, and cell physiology of the skeletal muscles.

The many user-friendly features of this book include:

  • Almost 200 outstanding full-color illustrations and 10 new color plates
  • Side-by-side images with callouts
  • Visual highlighting of clinically relevant and pathophysiologic information with clinical key words on every page
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