Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination Flashcards

Manish Suneja
Tiếng Anh

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A fun, fast, effective way for students to learn how to perform a complete diagnostic examination

Based on content from the classic point-of-care guide DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination, these flashcards enable students to brush up on their diagnostic examination procedural skills by asking questions that test their knowledge and providing answers that impart must-know information.

Over 200 two-sided cards that contain an open-ended question with a concise, bulleted answer on the flip side. The cards focus on the diagnoses most frequently tested on the USMLE Step 2 and 3 examinations.

Perfect for enhancing diagnostic and decision-making skills, each card features:

  • A common patient complaint, or physical finding, that forms the basis of a clinical vignette―which emphasizes a key diagnostic hypothesis concept
  • Guidance for taking a methodical, systematic approach to diagnosis based on the patient history and physical examination
  • A focus on diagnostic clues and progressive problem-solving that facilitates clinical decision-making
  • Clinical Pearls that highlight a clinical dilemma and provide high-yield nuggets of information that are relevant to day-to-day practice
  • Identifier icons for main topic areas designed to make the cards easy to use and shuffle
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