Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Diagnostic Imaging: Breast, 3E

Berg, Wendie A.,Leung, Jessica
Tiếng Anh

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Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Breast, third edition, is an invaluable resource not only for radiologists, but for all health care professionals involved in the management of breast disease. From screening and diagnostic mammography and tomosynthesis, ultrasound, and MR to contrast-enhanced mammography and molecular imaging, Drs. Wendie Berg and Jessica Leung, along with their expert author team, provide carefully updated information in a concise, bulleted format. Thousands of high-quality illustrations highlight not only image acquisition and interpretation, but also screening guidelines, breast anatomy, genetic testing, image-guided procedures, determining the extent of disease and much more. This book provides essential, clinically-focused details for everyday breast imaging.

    • Features more than 4,000 annotated, updated images throughout, including imaging findings complemented by histopathologic and clinical correlates of the spectrum of breast disease
    • Provides timely coverage of less common but important topics such as gender reassignment, disease-causing mutations and risk assessment, malignancy in pregnancy, nodal disease in breast cancer care, and male breast disease
    • Discusses new technologies, including abbreviated MR, contrast-enhanced mammography, and automated breast ultrasound
    • Includes updated information on evolving medical, oncologic, surgical, and radiation, and oncoplastic treatment of the breast cancer patient, along with discussion of ongoing trials and future directions
    • Offers expanded and updated information on dense breast reporting, screening recommendations, patients at elevated risk, and imaging paradigms in patients with dense breasts, as well as analysis of various updated breast cancer screening guidelines
    • Uses bulleted, succinct text for fast and easy comprehension of essential information


  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
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