Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Emergency Care of Minor Trauma in Children, 3e

Ffion Davies
Tiếng Anh

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Succinct and highly illustrated, the third edition of this handy pocket guide enables practitioners to successfully manage common minor injuries in children at the point of care. Each chapter has been updated to reflect changes to the treatment for the injury based on recent research and new guidelines. The new edition includes:

the latest recommended guidelines and procedures, for instant access to key information
generous use of colour, warning boxes, icons, clinical tips and practical advice to help the reader find information at a glance
numerous illustrations help explain more difficult concepts
detailed guidance on when to treat, how to treat, when to refer or when minor trauma is indicative of a more serious diagnosis.
This concise evidence-based book remains an essential purchase for junior doctors, nurse practitioners and emergency care practitioners in the emergency department, minor injury centre or primary care facility. It is a touchstone for all those seeing children following minor injury or trauma.

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