Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Fundamentals of Cardiology: For the USMLE and General Medics

Chirag Navadia
Tiếng Anh

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One of the best cardiology review books for USMLE step 1-2-3, doctors and nurses

  • Fundamentals of Cardiology is comprehensive and one of the most accurate cardiology review books that guarantees success on the cardiology section of any USMLE or ABIM exams.
  • The book begins with high-yield clinical concepts of embryology, anatomy, physiology and pharmacology that will be helpful for any new learner.
  • After reviewing a few preclinical chapters, there is a section of high-yield pathology and their managements presented in a quick and easy reading format. The key feature of this book is that they represent the most recent evidence-based cardiology guidelines that every general doctor or student must know, and does not represent any personal or clinical practice.
  • This book does not make you memorize mnemonic, but rather it tells you exactly what is the first and next steps are in investigation-management. This extraordinary method is the key to your success on USMLE board exams and it will distinguish you from others who have not read this book.
  • All of this high-yield information is covered in 276 pages, which makes it an excellent review guide for anybody interested in reviewing high-yield concepts of cardiology or to those who are scoring low in the cardiology section of their exam.
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