Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Handbook of Signs & Symptoms, 5th Edition

Lippincott Williams & Wilkiins
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The newly updated Handbook of Signs & Symptoms, 5e proves it is still the must-have clinical nursing tool for improving patient safety, by increasing assessment accuracy. Quick-scan entries from A to Z offer the on-the-spot answers you need for more than 500 signs and symptoms, covering definitions, causes, patient history, exams, diagnostics, and interventions. Save time and increase your assessment confidence: Reach for this crucial guide!

Improve patient safety with . . .
• NEW signs and symptoms related to emerging diseases and disorders, including avian influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, Kawasaki disease, and the currently epidemic metabolic syndrome
• NEW appendix provides definitions and common causes of 250 less-familiar or nonspecific signs and symptoms
• NEW techniques for evoking patient responses
• NEW pediatric, psychiatric, and nail and tongue signs
• NEW focus on obtaining health history needed for comprehensive, reliable documentation

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