This is Harrison’s chapters wise Preview.. ( changes made in chapters + New Chapters, the 20th Ed)
The website for the venerable American textbook of internal medicine, now published internationally in multiple languages, doesn’t give a clue about when the 20th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine will be available. However, based on past publication dates, one can hazard a reasonable guess.
The 17th edition of Harrison’s was published in 2008, the 18th edition in 2011, and the 19th edition in 2015. So the publication of a new edition follows a 3–4 year cycle. By the way, my impression is that this pattern was the same during my years of medical school and residency many decades ago.
Therefore, if the pattern holds, I predict that the 20th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine will be published in 2018 or 2019. So we shall see.