Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 5th edition

W. Richard Webb
Tiếng Anh

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Looking for the seminal guide to HRCT and lung abnormalities? Get the newly revised and updated 5th edition ofHigh-Resolution CT of the Lung, the leading reference on the use of high-res computed tomography for diagnosis and assessment of diffuse lung diseases. Written by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive reference offers a thorough grounding in HRCT interpretation, offering the latest technical and clinical data, including recent advances in the classification and understanding of diffuse lung diseases and their HRCT appearances.


  • NEW: Full-color illustrations of histologic findings in lung disease, linked with HRCT manifestations
  • NEW:  Individual chapters reviewing specific HRCT findings and their differential diagnosis, including numerous new illustrations
  • NEW: Updated chapters reviewing the most up-to-date information in HRCT diagnosis, including new classifications of diffuse lung diseases, newly described diseases and their appearances, and the utility of HRCT in their evaluation
  • Cutting-edge HRCT scans of interstitial lung diseases and HRCT features
  • Tables summarizing the differential diagnosis of interstitial and airspace diseases and most helpful diagnostic features on HRCT
  • Diagnostic algorithms
  • Illustrations of normal anatomy and variants on HRCT, for help in distinguishing between normal and abnormal findings
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