Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Interventional Cardiology: Principles and Practice 2e

George D. Dangas
Tiếng Anh

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Mục Lục

Expert guidance from internationally recognized authorities, who provide clear and current updates on all aspects of interventional cardiology. This new edition:

  • Contains a radically expanded chapter contents list presented in four clear sections; coronary interventions, interventional pharmacology, structural heart interventions, and endovascular therapy
  • Includes 46 new chapters, including the latest advances in bioresorbable coronary stents, advanced transcatheter aortic valve replacement, MitraClip, new transcatheter mitral valve interventions, and more
  • Chapters are templated for rapid referral, beginning with pathophysiological background and relevant pathology, moving to mechanisms of treatment, device description, procedural techniques, follow-up care, and ending with risks, contraindications and complications
  • Multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter for self-assessment, a total of more than 400 MCQs in the book
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