Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 8e, 2018

Karen Marcdante
Tiếng Anh

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Part of the highly regarded Nelson family of pediatric references, Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 8th Edition, is a concise, focused resource for medical students, pediatric residents, PAs, and nurse practitioners. Ideal for pediatric residencies, clerkships, and exams, this 8th Edition offers a readable, full-color format; high-yield, targeted chapters; and new features that make it even more user-friendly for today’s in-training professionals or practitioners.

  • Focuses on the core knowledge you need to know, while also providing complete coverage of recent advances in pediatrics. Coverage includes normal childhood growth and development, as well as the diagnosis, management, and prevention of common pediatric diseases and disorders.
  • Includes new Pearls for Practitioners bullets at the end of each section, providing key clinical points and treatment information.
  • Features well written, high-yield coverage throughout, following COMSEP curriculum guidelines relevant to your pediatric clerkship or rotation.
  • Uses a full-color format with images and numerous new tables throughout, so you can easily visualize complex information.
  • Provides real-world insights from chapter authors who are also Clerkship Directors, helping you gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed both in caring for patients and in preparing for clerkship or in-service examinations.
  • Includes Student Consult access which features the full contents of the book, now integrated with select decision-making algorithms from Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies by Pomeranz et al. (ISBN: 978-0-323-29854-4), online at Student Consult.
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