Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Neurovascular Surgery, 2nd Edition

Robert F. Spetzler
Tiếng Anh

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The complex, highly technological field of neurovascular surgery is quickly expanding, encompassing traditional surgical approaches, as well as endovascular and neurointerventional techniques. The last decade has seen increased cross-specialty interest in utilizing minimally invasive techniques to help prevent and treat cerebrovascular disease. Concurrently, there has been important research analyzing the efficacy of surgical methods versus endovascular approaches and the clip versus coil discussion is covered herein.

Medical, surgical, endovascular, cerebral revascularization, bypass surgery, radiation therapy, and other procedures are covered in depth. Evidence-based and transdisciplinary, the second edition covers the full spectrum of neurovascular pathologies,preoperatively and postoperatively,including:

  • Ischemic Stroke and Vascular Insufficiency
  • Cerebral and Spinal Aneurysms
  • Cerebral and Spinal Arteriovenous Fistulae and Malformations
  • Vascular Tumors
  • Carotid Artery Disease
  • Moya-Moya Disease
  • Revascularization techniques
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