Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Chief Complaints and Differential Diagnosis 1st Edition – 2018

Rebecca Jeanmonod
Tiếng Anh

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Pediatric patients are a unique subset of emergency patients, making up about one-quarter of all emergency department visits. Textbooks regarding the care of pediatric patients are almost universally organized by organ system, which does not facilitate an efficient diagnosis. Taking a case-based approach, Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Chief Complaints and Differential Diagnosis is arranged by chief complaint, using real patient scenarios to help the reader work through the inductive and deductive reasoning needed to assess, evaluate, treat, and disposition pediatric patients with urgent complaints. Cases are structured in the way in which they are presented during medical care, allowing practitioners to become comfortable with the general structure of case presentations: chief complaint, HPI, PMH, ROS, exam, and ancillary studies. This volume also discusses disease processes and their differentiation, providing in-depth knowledge regarding current standards of diagnosis and care.

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