Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults, 8th Edition

Charles M. Court-Brown
Tiếng Anh

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Need the go-to reference on adult bone and joint injuries? Get the definitive, two volume guide on fracture treatment, written by the world’s top orthopaedic surgeons: Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults. This fully updated and expanded 8th edition offers up-to-the-minute research and recommendations from more than 80 leading orthopaedic experts from around the world. An essential resource on fractures for every orthopaedic surgeon or resident..


  • NEW chapters on: Management of the Geriatric or Elderly Patient; Management of Bone Defects;; Psychological Aspect of Trauma
  • NEW authors from countries including India, China, Columbia, Greece, and Denmark
  • NEW 10 new full length videos added to the video library. All videos feature easy navigation so you can go directly to specific steps in the procedure, or watch the entire procedure from start to finish
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