Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Succinct Pediatrics: Evaluation and Management for Newborn, Genetic, Neurologic, and Developmental-Behavioral Disorders

Leonard G. Feld
Tiếng Anh

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Obtain evidence-based information to make timely and accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Continuing with this volume, Succinct Pediatrics is an ongoing series covering the entire scope of pediatric medicine. Each volume includes concise chapters with key features and invaluable tables and algorithms—resources health care professionals can use to deliver the highest quality of care.

This third volume features 41 topics with key points and detailed therapies in neonatology, genetic and metabolic disorders, neurology, and developmental and behavioral disorders. Evidence-based levels of decision support are also provided throughout the book to provide insight into diagnostic tests and treatment modalities.

Topics include

Apnea of Prematurity
Birth Injuries
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Down Syndrome and Turner Syndrome
Ataxia and Movement Disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Febrile Seizures
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Behavior Patterns in Infancy and Preschool
Congenital Heart Disease
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
And more…

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