Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

The ECG Made Easy, 8th Edition

John R. Hampton
Tiếng Anh

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For forty years The ECG Made Easy has been regarded as one of best introductory guides to the ECG. With over half a million sales and translations into a dozen languages, this book, hailed by the British Medical Journal as a “medical classic”, has been a favourite of generations of medical students and nurses. It directs users of the electrocardiogram to straightforward and accurate identification of normal and abnormal ECG patterns. With the emphasis throughout on simplicity and practical application, this Eighth Edition will prove invaluable to all medical and health care staff who require clear, basic knowledge about the ECG.

This famous book encourages the reader to accept that the ECG is easy to understand and that its use is just a natural extension of taking the patient’s history and performing a physical examination.

  • A practical and highly informative guide to a difficult subject.
  • Provides a full understanding of the ECG in the diagnosis and management of abnormal cardiac rhythms.
  • Emphasises the role of the full 12 lead ECG with realistic reproduction of recordings.
  • The unique page size allows presentation of all 12-lead ECGs across a single page for clarity.
  • Restructured into two clear sections, the first ‘The Basics’ explains the ECG in the simplest possible terms.
  • The new second section, ‘Making the most of the ECG’, has separate chapters on the ECG patterns that might be seen in healthy subjects and in patients presenting with chest pain, breathlessness, palpitations or syncope.


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