Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Williams Hematology, 9th Edition

Kenneth Kaushansky
Tiếng Anh

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The world’s most highly regarded reference text on the mechanisms and clinical management of blood diseases

Edition after edition, Williams Hematology has guided generations of clinicians, biomedical researchers, and trainees in many disciplines through the origins, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of benign and malignant disorders of blood cells and coagulation proteins. It is acknowledged worldwide as the leading hematology resource, with editors who are internationally regarded for their research and clinical achievements and authors who are luminaries in their fields.

The Ninth Edition of Williams Hematology is extensively revised to reflect the latest advancements in basic science, translational pathophysiology, and clinical practice. In addition to completely new chapters, it features a full-color presentation that includes 700 photographs, 300 of which are new to this edition, and 475 illustrations. Recognizing that blood and marrow cell morphology is at the heart of diagnostic hematology, informative color images of the relevant disease topics are conveniently integrated into each chapter, allowing easy access to illustrations of cell morphology important to diagnosis.

Comprehensive in its depth and breath, this go-to textbook begins with the evaluation of the patient and progresses to the molecular and cellular underpinnings of normal and pathological hematology. Subsequent sections present disorders of the erythrocyte, granulocytes and monocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells, malignant myeloid and lymphoid diseases, hemostasis and thrombosis, and transfusion medicine.

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