Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology

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AMADA’S Textbook of Gastroenterology

For over 25 years, Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology has been the most comprehensive gastroenterology reference book, combining an encyclopedic basic science approach to GI and liver disease with the latest clinical thinking, especially in diagnostic and therapeutic developments. It is universally respected across the globe.

The original outstanding editorial team was led by Tadataka Yamada, MD, one of the world’s leading figures in GI research. This seventh edition of the Textbook features a new set of Editors-in-Chief and a new team of Associate Editors. This new editorial team has made substantial changes and updates to the Textbook, with a greater focus on the human microbiome, obesity, bariatric endoscopy and aging, along with consolidation of many older chapters.

Led by Professor Michael Camilleri and Professor Timothy C. Wang, a stellar group of associate editors have once again combined with authors in their respective fields to communicate their vast fund of knowledge and experience to make the 7th edition of this iconic textbook the most comprehensive ever published.

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