Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Churchill’s Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis, 4e

Andrew T Raftery
Tiếng Anh

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Making a correct diagnosis is one of the key aspects of every medical student’s and junior doctor’s clinical training, and problem-based learning is now widely used to focus on the causes behind the presentation of a clinical feature. The Fourth Edition of this best-selling book is packed full of information to help the reader move from a presenting problem to an accurate diagnosis.

  • This Fourth Edition covers 127 common presenting problems in both medicine and surgery in a consistent format.
  • Each topic includes a list of all potential causes of the condition, colour coded to indicate common, occasional or rare causes. Important geographical variations are also highlighted.
  • Two sections cover the differential diagnosis of biochemical and haematological disorders which provide a ready check when reviewing abnormal results
  • The text includes a targeted guide to the relevant general and specific follow-up investigations which should be carried out as appropriate.
  • At the end of each topic a box highlights important learning points, or indicates symptom and signs suggestive of significant pathology which require urgent action.
  • Eighty colour photographs of key clinical presentations have been added to assist symptom recognition.
  • Two new chapters on Hypotension and Photophobia.


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