Thư viện sách y khoa số 1 Việt Nam

Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology, 8th Edition

Humphrey P. Rang
Tiếng Anh

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Mục Lục

For 25 years, Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology has delivered the core basic and clinical science information required by students and healthcare practitioners worldwide. Authors H. P. Rang, J. M. Ritter, R. J. Flower, and G. Henderson have ensured that the 8th Edition of this easy-to-read, comprehensive text continues the tradition of excellence with new coverage of drugs affecting the skin and new components online at Student Consult.

  • Get the essential pharmacology information you need from one authoritative source with an outstanding global reputation for excellence.
  • Progress confidently through all relevant aspects of pharmacology, beginning with a molecular understanding of receptors and drug actions through clinical uses of key groups of drugs.
  • Find important content quickly thanks to a color-coded layout that enables easy navigation and cross-referencing.
  • Master difficult concepts with Key Points boxes, Clinical Uses boxes, and full-color illustrations throughout.
  • Stay up to date with new information in the field, including an all-new chapter on drugs that affect the skin.
  • Take advantage of new and unique features online, including 500+ chapter-specific multiple choice questions for immediate self-assessment.
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